Root Zone Temperature Optimization for Cannabis

Our  technology increased dry weight yield between 40-270% in Cannabis across 11 different strains in open fields and greenhouses!

One of the most often overlooked elements in Cannabis and general AG growing is root zone temperatures. Besides water it’s the second most influencial parameter for susccesul growing and high yield.

Regulating plant temperature

Due to air and soil temperature fluctuations  root systems cannot maintain optimum temperatures tear round. Once the growing medium’s temperature exists an optimal root zone temperature range , it can no longer supply the rest of the plant with the optimum levels of water and nutrients. This is the case whether the temperature is too high or too low. The greater the temperature fluctuation is in 24 hours, the more stressed the root system will become, the more it will become increasingly susceptible to pathogens, insects and yield reduction.

ROOTS have the tested solution! The system mainitains an optimum range of root zone temperature year round.  


  • Increased yield
  • Shortening growing cycles
  • Reduced disease load
  • Higher THC in some starins
  • Planting off season (early or late)
  • Significant energy savings compared with air management options
  • Can substitute air management equipment in some locations
  • Quick Return of investment
  • Real time temperature input of roots and air



The Importance of Creating a Healthy Root Zone for Cannabis

Root zone management is one of the most crucial aspects of cannabis cultivation. After all, the roots are the primary route for essential water and nutrients to reach plant tissues.

The root system will develop and function best when kept within a specific temperature range (usually between 70 and 78 F, 18-25 C). A master grower should monitor RZT closely, just as he/she needs to monitor and regulate air temperatures. All parts of the plant are interconnected, and nutrient absorbtion issues can occur in properly fed plants if the root zone temperatures stray outside the correct temeperature range for too long.

Without a healthy root system, your cannabis plants can never reach their full potential. For a heavy harvest full of spectacular buds, you’ll want to do everything you can to support the health of your plants’ roots.

Cannabis roots are happiest at around 24°C, (76F) respiring and growing most during the night and early morning hours.

The roots of a cannabis plant are responsible for taking up the nutrients, water, and oxygen your plants need to grow. To help your plants grow as healthy as possible and produce the best possible flowers, you must help each plant develop a strong root network early on to fuel its buds’ production later on.

Cannabis growing Problems

Below are some of the most common cannabis roots problems caused due to excessively hot or cold temperature in the plants’ root zone
Root Rot – When it comes to identifying root rot, we recommend looking at the plants. Plants with root rot can’t absorb moisture and nourishment from the soil properly. The plants often resemble those suffering from drought and stress, and mineral deficiencies.
Poor Root StructureHealthy roots should be white or tan, succulent, numerous, and long enough to hold the soil in the pot’s shape. If any root tips are visible, they should be white. If the roots are brown and crumbly, that means the plant is unhealthy.

FusariumThey create colonies that can be of many colors: yellowish, brownish, whitish, reddish, beige, or pink. Some species create aerial mycelium, and they are reproduced by spores called Macro and Microconidia.

It grows in hot and humid environments, so it usually appears in greenhouses and indoor crops, although it can also happen outdoors during summer.

The first place this powerful fungus attacks is at the roots of the plant.

  • Pythium prevents the absorption of nutrients, so you will notice that your marijuana plant begins to rot.
  • Starting at the root, the fungus then spreads through the stem to the leaves. For this reason, you may find that the leaves yellow because they begin to wither until, in many cases, they die.
  • The infection caused by this fungus can reach up to 10 cm. above the base of your marijuana plant.
  • If Pythium has affected the seeds, you will notice that they will be soft and blackish in appearance.

Finally, the humidity of the ambient air in the greenhouse (usually caused by the cooling system of pad and fan) produces Fungus Gnats – Fungus gnats look like tiny flies buzzing around cannabis plants, especially around the soil. Their larva grows in wet soil, and they often appear when the topsoil stays wet for too long between watering
Botrytis (grey mould) – Botrytis bunch rot is best detected by the appearance of its fungal mycelia. These take the form of a gray, velvet-like mold that covers part of the plant. Botrytis can technically affect any part of the plant. In its early stages, it may cause the plant to fail to thrive. Leaves may appear slightly withered and stems may be weaker.

Reach out to our experts to discuss Cannabis yield optimization